Music Tree is a nonprofit organization dedicated to making music lessons and classes available to all children. It currently provides:
• Early childhood music classes to 80 children weekly through Head Start preschool sites.
• Vista Singers, a weekly class for teens at Vista del Mar Child and Family Services. A big thank-you to SEIU Local 721 for their generous funding of the Vista Singers and other programs.
• Instruments and ongoing tuition support for children studying piano and violin with private teachers.
Music Tree's volunteer board is comprised of parents, teachers, music professionals, and community members interested in bringing music lessons and classes to children who may not otherwise have access. Musical Beginnings absorbs office and administrations costs so nearly 100% of what is raised goes directly to program funding.
Use one of our buttons to donate online, or you can drop off a check at the Musical Beginnings office payable to Music Tree.
Attend one of Musical Beginnings' recitals and donate to Music Tree on the way in!
Liking our Facebook page and sharing our posts is an easy way to help us get the word out.
Music Tree is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, EIN #:47-1325320. Linda Silva, Director, 6607 W. 80th St., Los Angeles, CA 90045. For information please use the contact us button or call 310-641-8518.